Sunday, April 11, 2010

Carl-Johan Vallgren: Den vidunderliga kärlekens historia/The Horrific Sufferings of the Mind Reading Monster Hercules Barefoot: His Wonderful Love And His Terrible Hatred

This is one of the few Swedish books my sister owns. She got it from our aunt - most likely an open attempt to force her to read more in her second mother tongue, but it worked. My sister enjoyed it, to her surprise, so she recommended it to me when I last was on a borrowing spree.

Now, it's a skilful book - hang on, I just realised I was writing in English. I hadn't meant to - the curse of being bilingual! Well, I'm not going back to change what I've written, I'm too tired. It'll stay in English... so... adding the title for the translation... there, and here's the link to an "about the book" page. Back in business. By the way, this is the author's homepage, one of those monstrosities where they think we have they energy to wait for things to load. We don't. Like I was saying, skilful book, yet I wasn't that blown away because it reminded me of something else I've read and I can't pinpoint what. Possibly P O Enquist, and if so Enquist to my taste is much better, even though I had issues with the one book I've read  (ha ha ha) that I linked to there. So it didn't grip me altogether, plus I always hate when a storyline has a huge Catholic priest conspiracy with evil killer priests. Boring boring boring. I would recommend it though, it's worth a read, but it's very personal whether you really enjoy it or not I'd say.


Bernadette/Finally Teatime said...

Det här var en av de sämsta böcker jag inte läst! Det gick helt enkelt inte att läsa klart denna smörja! Till och med den första boken om Arn tvingade jag mig igenom, men den här var jag bara tvungen att ge upp. Hallå, bordellbeskrivningen, hallå???? Mustigheten ringde och ville ha sitt språk tillbaka?? En bok som folk luras att tro gott om, av okänd anledning.

bani said...

Det finns många som GILLAR mustiga skrönor. Åtminstone första gången man läser dem. Det känns väl lite ooriginellt kanske. ;)

Så du vill inte ha Vallgrens samlade verk när du fyller 40?

Bernadette/Finally Teatime said...

Nej, jag vill INTE. Har du läst Myggor och Tigrar? Fick mina fördomar om honom bekräftade där. Har du läst Världens Sista Roman? Läste in en Vallgren-diss där, fast det kanske inte var det. Och ska jag läsa nåt mustigt tar jag... Barbro Lindgren. Puss!

bani said...

Nej och nej. Och okej. ;)