Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Är jag en kulturtant nu? På riktigt?
Jag och E åkte hem med våra amningsbröst ganska tidigt. Därmed missade vi nog det värsta röjet, men det gör inte så mycket när man sover så lite som vi fått göra på sistone. Kul var det ändå att få komma iväg på en Ny Grej sådär på en helt vanlig fredag! Tack Ordfront för inbjudan!
Imorgon börjar jag jobba klockan 7.30. Häpp.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Bill Bryson: The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid
This is on loan from my brother. I think it was I who got it for him for Christmas, but no matter who it was, I remember saying “dibs to borrow” when he tore the wrapping paper. I’d dearly love to have all of Bill Bryson’s books, but I’m trying to amass books slowly, in a manner more similar to the gradual formation of a river delta than the sudden appearance of an entire archipelago after an underwater volcanic eruption. So borrowing is good, and it’s even better to get people books then that you want to borrow. They have to store them, you get to read them…
This is a book about growing up in
I laughed my backside off several times, naturally. I was also quite touched by Bryson’s homage to his parents. Both his parents were journalists, and Bryson (proudly) states that had his father left Des Moines to work for a bigger, national newspaper he might have been more famous and well-known as the best baseball-writer of all times, but since he stayed he’s more obscure. The theme of Bryson’s childhood fantasy of being a superhero, the Thunderbolt Kid of the title, that theme I could have lived without really, but it’s okay. It’s not really worked into the book enough though, if I have to be honest about it.